Sunday, November 10, 2013

Joy in Trials

Hold onto Jesus, 
And don’t let go. 
For there will be trials, 
The Bible says so. 
They’re given for a purpose.
 It’s part of His plan. 
You're to count them all joy, 
And rejoice if you can. 
Knowing that going through them 
Your faith’s in a test, 
And patience is the reward, 
With which God wants to bless. 
YOU for persevering 
And not giving in, 
To the temptations that surround you, 
The subtle call of sin. 
So stand fast my brethren 
And resist the evil one... 
Looking unto Jesus, 
And all that He has done. 
See, He was all God, 
But he was also all Man, 
He’s already won the victory 
So that you can 
While you simply sail through, 
All of life’s storms, 
When they seem to engulf you. 
Knowing the testing of your faith 
Is making you stronger, 
And that patience is making you perfect, 
In case He tarries longer.