Perhaps there's something here, to which you can relate. When God speaks to you, as if He just can't wait. For you to write this down, to get it out of your head, He wants it to be known, He wants it to be read. I just get the rhymes. I don't always know the reason. Perhaps they're meant to be, A Word from God in Due Season.
Sunday, February 27, 2011
Thursday, February 17, 2011
Hide And Seek
Just cause I’m okay today
Doesn’t mean I’ve ‘entered into your rest’
For another trial waits around the corner
To put me to the test
It’s been sent by you to humble me
To show me where I’m weak
It’s here to expose the next mountain
At which I’ll need to speak
It’s a process that’s hard to get used to
Self discipline becomes a must
It requires separation of body and spirit
After all the flesh is only dust
The things that make us ‘who we are’
Our ‘tendencies’ from day to day
Aren’t always given from God
And some need to be cast away.
So don’t worry about losing ‘part of yourself’
The devil’s messing with your mind
The flaw he wants you to forget about
Is exactly the one God wants you to find.
Tuesday, February 15, 2011
Sexual Purity
Tuesday, February 8, 2011
Joy in trials
Hold onto Jesus
And don’t let go
For there will be trails
The bible says so
They’re given for a purpose.
It’s part of His plan
You're to count them all joy
And rejoice if you can
Knowing that going through them
Your faith’s in a test
And patience is the reward
With which God wants to bless.
YOU for persevering and not giving in
To the temptations that surround you,
The subtle call of sin.
So stand fast my brethren
And resist the evil one...
Looking unto Jesus
And all that He’s done.
See, He was all God,
But he was also all Man,
He’s already won the victory
So that you can
While you simply sail through
All of life’s storms
When they seem to engulf you
Knowing that the testing of your faith
Makes you stronger
And that patience is making you perfect,
In case He tarries longer
God said Christ in You....that means if He did it ... so can we...He said I will send you a Helper a Comforter. Greater is He that is in you than He who is in the world. I think we sometimes forget this, this was God reminding me that ... I CAN...I MUST...I WILL... ~Diana Marsh